All Improve your playing articles
Sentimental work: Jennifer Stumm on Rebecca Clarke’s Viola Sonata
For the American violist, this 1919 work brings back memories of early successes and the inspirational teacher who introduced it to her
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Masterclass: Ida Haendel on Bach’s Chaconne in D minor
To mark the 120th anniversary of The Strad, the great virtuoso Ida Haendel draws on a lifetime of playing to explore what is for many the pinnacle of the solo violin repertoire. From the May 2010 issue.
6 tips for improved coordination
Guidance from The Strad’s archive for greater synchronisation between left-hand fingers and bow
11 stretching exercises for musicians
Do you feel tired and stiff after performing? Pilates instructor John Black explains how some simple stretching exercises can make all the difference
Mastering intonation, by cello professor Antonio Lysy
Cellist Antonio Lysy provides exercises to help you play in tune every time you put your finger on the string
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Masterclass: Arabella Steinbacher on Ravel’s Tzigane
The German violinist gives advice on how to inject character and charisma into the daunting solo introduction of this much-loved work. From February 2018
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Masterclass: Barnabás Kelemen on the first movement of Beethoven's ‘Rasumovsky’ quartet, op.59 no.1
The leader of the Kelemen Quartet discusses spontaneity and scales in the first movement of this ‘Rasumovsky’ Quartet. From the January 2018 issue
There is no such thing as a piano 'accompanist'
Elana Estrin delves into the field of collaborative piano
9 ways to develop a flexible bow hold
Advice for string players on avoiding tension in the bow hand and wrist from The Strad's archive
7 tips on adjustments to get the best out of your instrument
The finest Stradivari in the world will sound poor if it is badly set up. Here are some points to consider sourced from our archive
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Cellist Pablo Casals on expressive intonation
The great artist believed that 50 per cent of a player's total dramatic power lay in exaggerated intonation, writes former pupil Pamela Hind O'Malley
How to develop secure intonation, by cellist Maria Kliegel
Maria Kliegel explains how developing accurate intonation gives security and confidence to her playing
Conquering performance nerves: I'm great in practice but don't perform so well on the day
Brian Hodges and Diana Allan answer student questions on coping with stage fright
Release the Fear Monster: how to conquer performance anxiety and perform at your best
Brian Hodges and Diana Allan discuss the origins of stage fright and offer guidance on how to combat fear during performance
Conquering performance nerves: how do I control my fear of failure?
Brian Hodges and Diana Allan answer student questions on coping with stage fright
'I often have to battle negative thoughts on stage,' says violinist Joshua Bell
The star performer talks about channelling nervous energy and thinking oneself confident
Violinist Itzhak Perlman on conquering performance nerves
‘Know your enemy,’ says The Strad’s August 2015 issue cover star
7 techniques to combat stage fright
Are you suffering from stage fright? Laurinel Owen gives advice on overcoming this common affliction