All Masterclass articles
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Masterclass: Ravel Piano Trio, first movement
Keeping in mind Ravel’s orchestral sound palette is key to letting colour direct the myriad character and mood changes in this lilting movement, says cellist Carrie Bean Stute
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Masterclass: Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, first movement
Although this concerto is a well-known staple of the repertoire, violinists can still find opportunities to explore refreshing interpretations in this movement, says Paul Huang
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Masterclass: Schubert ‘Death and the Maiden’ String Quartet, second movement
Violist of the Kuss Quartet William Coleman emphasises the importance of creating a narrative arc in this movement, which encompasses a journey of emotional ambivalence
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Masterclass: Saint-Saëns Havanaise op.83
Violinist Max Baillie gives smart and efficient practice tips to showcase a piece for violin and orchestra that juxtaposes lyricism with virtuosic passagework
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Masterclass: Schubert Arpeggione Sonata on viola, first movement
Yuri Zhislin illustrates the importance of colour and harmony in a work renowned for its lyricism and technicality
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Masterclass: Mendelssohn String Quartet in F minor, first movement
Second violinist of the Aris Quartet Noémi Zipperling examines Mendelssohn’s emotionally charged movement, considered to be a requiem for his sister and, ultimately, himself
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Masterclass: Debussy Cello Sonata, second and third movements
Cellist Thomas Demenga reflects on the importance of restraint next to the extremes of expressive detail to be brought out in this masterpiece
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Masterclass: Antonio Meneses on Franck Violin Sonata (Cello Version)
Preserving energy, planning ahead and prioritising phrasing in every line are key to cellist Antonio Meneses’s interpretation of the fourth movement
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Masterclass: Schubert Fantasy for violin and piano – part two
In the second of a two-part article, violinist Alena Baeva continues the exploration of this epic piece, which she sees as a metaphor for life
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Masterclass: Schubert Fantasy for violin and piano – part one
Violinist Alena Baeva stresses the importance of slow and attentive practice when embarking on the opening sections of this monumental work, in the first of a two-part article
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Masterclass: Franck Violin Sonata on double bass, first movement
Taking inspiration from Jacqueline du Pré and singers, double bassist Michael Rieber shares tips on cultivating Franck’s delicate sound world, despite playing stratospherically high on the instrument
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Masterclass: Beethoven Violin Sonata no.8, first movement
Violinist Viktoria Mullova describes how knowledge of historical style, a sense of spontaneity and precise metronome work are crucial for pulling off this cheeky movement
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Masterclass: Beethoven Cello Sonata no.5, second and third movements
Cellist Gary Hoffman considers the importance of context to understand and appreciate this work, written in 1815 during a period of isolation and difficulty for the composer
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Masterclass: Ravel Violin Sonata no.2, second movement ‘Blues’
Violinist Curtis Stewart looks at how to get the most from the different styles Ravel used, and how questions that arise from their juxtaposition are arguably more important than answers
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Masterclass: Brahms Violin Sonata no.2 first movement
Taking inspiration from the composer’s Lieder, violinist Daniel Kurganov highlights the importance of emulating vocal lines in the second of Brahms’s violin sonatas
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Masterclass: Dmitry Sitkovetsky on Mozart Violin Concerto no.5 first movement
Violinist and conductor Dmitry Sitkovetsky uncovers a wealth of brilliant concepts in this masterpiece and demonstrates how an awareness of the whole is what brings a performance to life
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Masterclass: Dvořák Cello Concerto first movement
Cellist Hannah Roberts looks to subtlety and nuance in the quest to communicate this titan of the repertoire with mastery
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Masterclass: Brahms Scherzo for violin and piano
In this single-movement sonata, Johannes Fleischmann explores the expressive and mature writing of a young composer who had already been hailed as the future of music
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Masterclass: Koussevitzky Double Bass Concerto, first movement
Double bass soloist Leon Bosch uncovers the challenges and opportunities of this emotionally powerful piece
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Masterclass: Schubert String Quartet in G major, first movement
Xandi van Dijk, violist of the Signum Quartet, uncovers the details of interpretation that help us relate to a movement of such broad scope