All Books articles
Book review: The Fractured Self: Selected German Letters of the Australian-born Violinist Alma Moodie, 1918–1943
Tully Potter reviews a comprehensive collection of letters which cast light on the life and career of one of the early 20th century’s best known female violinists
Book review: Artistic Violins and Bows: The Music Region of Markneukirchen and Schönbach
Andrew Dipper reviews Bruce Babbitt and Brandon Godman’s latest book on the ‘Musikwinkel’ of eastern Germany which became one of the world’s great heartlands of instrument making in the 19th century
Book review: Cello: A Journey through Silence to Sound
Janet Banks reviews Kate Kennedy’s bestseller relating the stories of four cellists and their instruments
Book review: Under the Goddess of the Sky: A Journey through Solitude, Bach, and the Himalayas
Raphael Klayman takes a look through Judith Glyde’s account of learning Bach’s Cello Suites in the Asian mountain range
Book review: Improve Your Sight-Reading! Viola Grades 6-8
Alex Laing reviews the latest in Paul Harris’s ever-growing oeuvre, this time focusing on hints and tips for sightreaders
Book review: Lessons in Gratitude: A Memoir on Race, The Arts and Mental Health
Lauren Wesley-Smith reviews the memoir of Sphinx Organization founder Aaron P. Dworkin
Book review: Mexican Folk Fiddle Tunes
David Lasserson reviews the latest in Schott Music’s series on world music styles, compiled by Julia Chardavoine, Diego Brossollet Hernández and César Iván Juárez-Joyner
Book review: Make Great Music with Ease! The Secret to Smarter Practice, Confident Performance, and Living a Happier Life
Mathew Lee reviews Jennifer Roig-Francolí’s book based on her ‘Art of Freedom Method’, with a healthy dose of Alexander technique
Book review: The Cellist’s Guide to Scales and Arpeggios: A Comprehensive, Systematic, Sequential Approach
Janet Banks reviews Robert Jesselson and Teddy Buchholz’s system for practising cello scales and arpeggios
Book review: The Fulton Collection: Collector’s Edition
John Dilworth reviews a revised and updated version of the 2022 publication, now with an extra volume covering David Fulton’s bow collection
Book review: Dragonscales: The Hero Levels: 25 Fantasy Etudes to Slay Evil
Alex Laing reviews the violin and viola versions of Nick Revel’s innovative etude series, combining practice studies with a fantasy adventure game
Book review: Luigi Boccherini: Musica Amorosa
Robin Stowell reviews Babette Kaiserkern’s treatise on the Baroque composer’s life and works, translated into English for the first time
Book review: Expressive Violin Technique: How to Teach and Acquire It
Celia Cobb explores Bruce Douglas Berg’s method to help intermediate to advanced players and teachers ‘combine expression with technique’
Book review: Thumb Position
Caroline Emery reviews double bass tutor Charlotte Mohrs’s introduction to playing in thumb position, published in English for the first time
Book review: A Survey of Solo Works for the Violoncello
Janet Banks reviews cello professor Brian Hodges’ volume on cello repertoire from the 17th century to the present day
Book review: The Instrumentalist
Anne Inglis reviews Harriet Constable’s fictionalised account of the life of violinist Anna Maria della Pietà, protégé of Vivaldi
Book review: Teaching Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass: Historical and Modern Pedagogical Practices
Philippa Bunting peruses a volume on historical teaching methods penned by US educators Dijana Ihas, Miranda Wilson and Gaelen McCormick
Book review: String Virtuosi in Eighteenth-Century Naples: Culture, Power, and Music Institutions
Robin Stowell appraises Guido Olivieri’s monograph on the great players of the mid-Italian city during the Enlightenment era
Book review: Employment and Vulnerabilities in the World of Orchestral Musicians: Symphonic Metamorphoses
Mark Pemberton, former chief executive of the Association of British Orchestras, gives a critical appraisal of Heather Kurzbauer’s volume on the running of an orchestra
Book review: Together on Strings
Celia Cobb goes through Esther Klein and Michael Dartsch’s collection of 23 ‘German and international’ song arrangements for young string players