Régis Pasquier: the complete violinist


Now nearing his ninth decade, the great French violinist Régis Pasquier has enjoyed a dazzlingly varied 65-year career taking in everything from core repertoire to contemporary music to jazz. He shares some of his memories over tea in Paris with Jessica Duchen

When Régis Pasquier gave his first New York public recital, at Town Hall, he was on the young side: 15, to be exact. ‘I played a mostly French programme – the Chausson Poème, the Saint-Saëns Introduction and Rondo capriccioso, Ravel’s Tzigane,’ the veteran violinist recalls, ‘and I had a very nice review in the New York Times.’ The performance launched him into a career in which the violin has been not a profession but a way of life. He has been on stage for a good 65 years. In 2025 he celebrates his 80th birthday…

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