All Lutherie articles – Page 15
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Postcard from Oslo: ‘Master to Master’ symposium
Musicians, luthiers and experts converged on Oslo’s National Museum in February for ‘Master to Master’, Christian Lloyd reports
Photo gallery: the Harris Tweed violin
Neil Campbell outlines his pandemic creation of a violin overlaid with the distinctive Scottish fabric
Small Wonders: The joy of pegs
Fitting a peg is not just a satisfying task, it can also be a sensuous pleasure
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In focus: A violin by Giuseppe Guarneri ‘filius Andreae’ c.1710
Gennady Filimonov explores Giuseppe Guarneri’s c.1710 violin
Cellist Antonio Meneses on the unique qualities of his Luiz Amorim cello
The cellist shares his impressions of Luiz Amorim’s unique and expressive contemporary instruments
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Making Matters: Choosing the right wood
Bridge maker Milo Stamm gives his thoughts on wood selection and preparation
Small wonders: A hymn to glue
John Dilworth sings the praises of natural adhesive in violin making in this article from February 2013
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‘A constant exchange of knowledge’ - My Space: Julia Jostes & Simon Eberl
Take a peek into the couple’s Lübeck workshop
One serious collection: the instruments of Baron Knoop
During his lifetime, the German collector owned more than 40 fine instruments, including two Stradivari quartets. Check out the full list here
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The man of property: Who was Baron Johann Knoop?
Clifford Hall tells the story of the German collector Baron Johann Knoop
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In Focus: A 1669 Andrea Guarneri cello
Christopher Reuning takes a closer look at Andrea Guarneri’s 1669 cello
Listen to the Bog Oak violin - the world’s oldest violin?
Violinist Michael Barker performs on Philip Taylor’s violin made from 5,000-year-old Bog Oak wood
Small Wonders: The corner-block
John Dilworth celebrates the more humble yet essential parts of a violin in the first of a series of articles from 2013
See and hear a violin created… in ten minutes!
The making of a violin from start to finish, with no shortage of satisfyingly crisp wood shavings
The world’s first and only Bog Oak violin (as far as we know)
Made from 5,000-year-old wood, the instrument can lay a claim to being ‘the oldest violin’ – despite being made two years ago.
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Value judgements: What is your time and labour worth?
Benjamin Schilbach gives a guide to determining an hourly rate as the cost of living rises daily
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In Focus: A c.1773 G.B. Guadagnini violin
Jason Price takes a look at the record-breaking ‘Sinzheimer’ violin
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In Focus: An 1824 violin by Nicolas Lupot
Richard Ward looks at an instrument made in the last year of the French luthier’s life
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In Focus: a c.1767 Giovanni Battista Gabrielli violin
Kai Dase takes a look at a violin by the Florentine maker
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Trade Secrets: Making purfling with fish glue
A flexible method for luthiers who prefer to make their own purfling rather than buy it ready-made