A mixture of old and new stringed instruments feature at this year’s festival, each with a unique story

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From left to right: Lun Li, David Finckel, Kristin Lee, Chad Hoopes and Matthew Lipman

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Take a look at these exclusive images of Music@Menlo’s artists and their instruments.

The instruments range from the venerable to the modern. Violinist Lun Li performs on the 1735 ‘Samazeuilh’ Stradivari violin, which is on loan to him from the Nippon Music Foundation. Aside from Gustave Samazeuilh, Mischa Elman was the longest owner of this violin.

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Violinist Lun Li

The next oldest instrument is Music@Menlo artistic director David Finckel’s Guadagnini cello, from 1754. This cello is one of only a handful of cellos from Guadagnini’s Milan period. Finckel discovered the cello in 1981 at the Casals Festival in Puerto Rico. He purchased it from a former pupil of Casals, who told David that Casals used to play it during their lessons.

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David Finckel and his Guadagnini cello

This instrument has a sister cello, made by Guadagnini in the same year, and has been been played by New York Philharmonic principal cellist, Carter Brey, for most of his professional career. The two instruments are almost identical, apart from the back and sides - Finckel’s cello is made from poplar, while Brey’s is made from maple.

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David Finckel’s cello features poplar back and sides

Next is a violin that was made in 1759 by Gennaro Gagliano, played by Kristin Lee. The violin retains its original neck from 1759.

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Violinist Kristin Lee

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Kristin Lee’s Gennaro Gagliano violin

Moving onto the modern day, we have violinist Chad Hoopes, who plays an instrument by Samuel Zygmuntowicz from 1991. The violin is Zygmuntowicz’s copy of the 1740 ’Ysaÿe’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ that formerly belonged to Isaac Stern.

’There was an ease and an immediacy, so many qualities that I loved,’ Hoopes told The Strad in an interview from 2021. ’I tried it and fell in love with it in about five minutes because there were so many things I could do, so quickly, that I wasn’t able to do on an older instrument.’

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Violinist Chad Hoopes

Another artist playing on a Zygmuntowicz instrument is Matthew Lipman. He performs on a viola made in 2021. ’I worked directly with Sam on specifications and personalisations,’ says Lipman. ’It fits me perfectly!’

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Violist Matthew Lipman 

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A violin and viola, both made by Samuel Zygmuntowicz and played by Chad Hoopes and Matthew Lipman

Audience members will have the chance to hear these instruments and their players throughout the 2024 Music@Menlo Summer Festival, which commenced on 19 July and runs until 10 August. Find out more here.

All photos courtesy Harrison Truong.

An exclusive range of instrument making posters, books, calendars and information products published by and directly for sale from The Strad.


The Strad’s exclusive instrument posters, most with actual-size photos depicting every nuance of the instrument. Our posters are used by luthiers across the world as models for their own instruments, thanks to the detailed outlines and measurements on the back.


The number one source for a range of books covering making and stringed instruments with commentaries from today’s top instrument experts.


American collector David L. Fulton amassed one of the 20th century’s finest collections of stringed instruments. This year’s calendar pays tribute to some of these priceless treasures, including Yehudi Menuhin’s celebrated ‘Lord Wilton’ Guarneri, the Carlo Bergonzi once played by Fritz Kreisler, and four instruments by Antonio Stradivari.