From this Sunday, the German violinist will be playing in churches with musician friends

Anne-Sophie Mutter

Anne-Sophie Mutter

Anne-Sophie Mutter is starting a series of concerts to raise funds for freelance musicians in Germany who have lost their income.

The German violinist says:

Life is short, art is long.’

I will be playing next Sunday, November 15, with musician friends in the Thomaskirche Leipzig for church services at 9:30 am and 6:00 pm.

This is the start of a series of musical worship performances I will do in the coming weeks with Mohamed Hiber, Vladimir Babeshko and Daniel Müller-Schott. We want to draw attention to the catastrophic economic situation of many musicians and request donations for them.

Corona deprives freelance professional musicians of livelihood. From one day to the next: no more gigs – therefore no revenue.

‘Art is long’ – but only if we support these musicians through our solidarity – not only verbally, but above all through private donations. The German Orchestra Foundation set up an emergency aid fund in March to help freelancers whose concerts have been cancelled.

I sincerely ask for your solidarity: Please help the German Orchestra Foundation to provide emergency aid. Every euro helps!

Read: Anne-Sophie Mutter calls on German government to help musicians

Watch: Anne-Sophie Mutter gives a socially-distanced Beethoven performance

Read: Anne-Sophie Mutter has tested postive for coronavirus

The fundraising campaign of the German Orchestra Foundation is under the auspices of Minister of Culture Monika Grütters and (conductor) Kirill Petrenko. This patronage is a strong signal for musicians and an encouragement for a generous donation.

’Life is short’ – but music filled with all the more beautiful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

More information about the emergency aid fund:

The donation account:

German Orchestra Foundation – Password: Emergency aid fund

IBAN: DE35 1004 0000 0114 1514 05


For donations exceeding 200 euros, the Deutsche Orchesterstiftung issues a donation receipt (please give first name, last name and address when transferring); if you donate below this amount, the transfer receipt is sufficient to submit to the tax office.