Here’s an overview of what Team Strad has been up to on day one of the Cremona Musica fair. Make sure to come visit us at stand 274!


The Strad at stand 274

It’s been a busy and bustling first day at the Cremona Musica fair in Cremona, Italy. And we’re now well up and running with day two. We’re especially excited to be offering some NEW products: Trade Secrets 6Great Instruments 2, the Stradivari ‘Boissier, Sarasate’ 1713 violin poster, the Bergonzi ‘Salabue, Martzy’ 1733 violin poster, and our 2025 Calendar. You’ll also get a Strad tote bag and pencil with every purchase. And if you pass by the stand, you can get a FREE September 2024 issue featuring cover star Ray Chen.

Here’s a little about how day one went!


Team Strad!

Selling on the stand

Our sales team has been hard at work selling our large range of books and posters. Here are a few of our best selling products from day one. In our range of books, our Trade Secrets series has been the star, with Trade Secrets 5, 4 and 1 as our best sellers. Among our posters, the customer favourites were the Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ Vieuxtemps violin and Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ ‘Brusilow’ violin.

Come to the stand soon becuse they’re selling out fast!


Editor Emma Baker with our FREE September issue and staff writer Rita with some of our NEW products: Great Instruments 2 and Trade Secrets 6

Exciting editorial!

Our four-strong editorial team has been roaming the fair and manning the stand. Here’s what each of us has been up to!

Our editor Emma Baker has talked to string players and teachers and gathering their opinions about the future of string playing and hearing their opinions about what they would like to read in the upcoming issues of The Strad.   

Managing editor Christian Lloyd has been chatting to violin makers and magazine contributors about their latest ideas for magazine features and regulars such as Trade Secrets, Making Matters and My Space. He’s also been helping our lutherie-loving customers with their questions about our range of lutherie books and posters. 

Staff writer Rita has been on the look out for recently released products for our New Products page. It’s been fantastic to meet so many passionate inventors and makers to hear all about their innovations. Some exciting new products in store include everything from rosins and strings, to cases and cello endpins!

And editorial assistant Lauren has been on socials, documenting the team’s activities (and making sure we look prim and proper for photos!). Check out her reel from day one here! She’s also tried out a few cellos and met some of our contributors. 


Our talented editorial assistant Lauren trying out a cello


And what would Cremona Musica be without some dazzling musical performances around the city in the evenings? Last night, Team Strad attended a stunning performance by the Hungarian star violinist Roby Lakatos, at Cremona’s Teatro Ponchielli. He played his trademark virtuoso blend of jazz, classical and traditional Romani styles alongside his virtuoso five-piece band with a guest appearance by violinist Michael Guttman. 

We were also at Amorim Fine Violins, where Hina Khuong-Huu, winner of the 2023 Elmar Oliveira International Violin Competition gave a stunning recital on a Stradivari violin. 

See you soon at stand 274!

An exclusive range of instrument making posters, books, calendars and information products published by and directly for sale from The Strad.


The Strad’s exclusive instrument posters, most with actual-size photos depicting every nuance of the instrument. Our posters are used by luthiers across the world as models for their own instruments, thanks to the detailed outlines and measurements on the back.


The number one source for a range of books covering making and stringed instruments with commentaries from today’s top instrument experts.


The Canada Council of the Arts’ Musical Instrument Bank is 40 years old in 2025. This year’s calendar celebrates some its treasures, including four instruments by Antonio Stradivari and priceless works by Montagnana, Gagliano, Pressenda and David Tecchler.
