Tim Homfray visits London’s Wigmore Hall on 18 October 2024 for the performance of Mozart’s C minor String Quintet K406
The Belcea Quartet with violist Tabea Zimmermann produced great contrasts in the first movement of Mozart’s C minor String Quintet K406, the composer’s own arrangement of his Wind Octet K388. There was fierce drive in the minor sections and pastoral gentleness in the major ones, with an elegant transition in the exposition into the graceful E flat second subject.
The flowing Andante had an underlying pulse that gave it a good momentum and the interweaving lines in the Menuetto were flecked with little accents. The finale was full of drama, with terrific energy from cellist Antoine Lederlin in the first variation. After leaning achingly into the suspensions of the penultimate variation, the musicians produced a final jubilant release into C major.
The forthright opening of the C major Quintet K515 led into beguiling lyricism, with beautiful interplay of contrapuntal lines in the development, decisive shaping of phrases and a pleasingly wide dynamic range. The players brought a curious unease to the Menuetto. In the Andante, Zimmermann, as first violist, came into her own, in constant dialogue with Corina Belcea, her playing strong-toned and agile. The finale was energetic and restless, its phrases colourfully and forcefully shaped.
Watch: Belcea Quartet performs Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge op.133
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