Leah Hollingsworth hears the performance of Mendelssohn, Shostakovich and Grieg at the Brevard Music Center, Brevard, NC, US, on 1 July 2024 

A terrific chamber music experience from David Finckel and Wu Han

A terrific chamber music experience from David Finckel and Wu Han

Wu Han delivered a spoken introduction, eloquently exploring ‘Why chamber music?’, as well as ‘Why this programme?’. She set each of the works in context, priming the audience for a terrific experience. Mendelssohn’s Sonata no.2 exhibited a joyful light-heartedness alongside more serious moments.

Precise rhythms in the opening of the Allegretto scherzando and an elegant second theme made this movement a highlight. The expansive Adagio’s soulful piano opening was breathtaking and the sonata closed with exuberance and tremendous vivacity. Shostakovich’s Cello Sonata followed, the duo bringing the audience into a completely different sound world – although one where beauty still prevailed.

In the second movement, thoughtful music-making yielded powerful phrases, the Largo was full of unpredictable touches, while in the Allegro finale whimsy gave way to demanding semiquaver arpeggios and scales, given wildly but with accuracy.

Grieg’s masterful A minor Sonata came after the interval, again exhibiting clarity of vision and tremendous character. The powerful opening gave way to an achingly beautiful second theme; the second movement was sensitive and timeless and the final Allegro executed with delight.