Tim Homfray visits London’s Wigmore Hall for the performance of Brahms and Dvořák on 16 June 2024

Gould Piano Trio. Photo: Jake Morley

Gould Piano Trio. Photo: Jake Morley

The Gould Trio brought big-hearted, vibrant playing to the opening of Brahms’ C minor Third Trio, leading to dynamic dotted rhythms and a warm, syrupy second subject. There was some gentleness in the development, but this was overall a driving, dynamic performance. The players caressed the second movement with delicate, precise dotted-rhythm dialogues and some sparing vibrato. The Andante grazioso was cool, spacious and elegant. After the forthright, energetic start to the final Allegro molto there was sweeping melodic playing, with later phrases seeming to end like questions before the robust finish.

Cellist Richard Lester was intense and eloquent at the beginning of Dvořák’s E minor ‘Dumky’ Trio op.90, and in the fast section the players were light and dancing, producing spiccato with focused tone. Pianist Benjamin Frith brought supple phrasing to the third-movement Andante, and the strings were powerful and dramatic in the Vivace non troppo section. The Allegretto scherzando of the fourth movement was light, spirited and delightful, neatly traversing the many changes of mood and speed, and in the fifth movement the musicians were alive to both its folk elements and its sophisticated drama. In the finale there were apt touches of rusticity before the final flourish.