
My favourite violin maker is 'del Gesù', but in this acoustic the Strad is the best. It's tough for me to admit that, but this instrument has all of the right qualities'

David Garrett tries out several violins by Stradivari and Guarneri 'del Gesù' at Cremona's Museo del Violino in April 2016. The instruments played are:

Stradivari 'Cremonese' violin, 1715

Stradivari 'Lam ex Scotland University' violin, 1734

Guarneri 'del Gesù', 'Stauffer', 1734

And Garrett's own Stradivari 'A. Busch', 1716

Watch: David Garrett performs the Devil's Trill Sonata

Watch: David Garrett performs Mozart aged 14