Organised by David Garrett, the annual two-day event allows owners and players of Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violins to play and examine each other’s instruments

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What happens when you gather 17 Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violins and their owners in one place?

On 6 and 7 September 2024, violinist David Garrett gathered members of his ‘Del Gesù’ Club, comprising players and owners of these rare and fine instruments, for its annual meeting. The event took place at Schloss Selchow, just outside Berlin, where they played, examined and shared their knowledge of the assembled instruments.

The 17 ‘del Gesù’ violins in attendance were the: 

  • 1726 ‘Fields’
  • 1736 ’Pugnani’
  • 1734 ’Baltic
  • 1744 ’Monster’
  • 1742 ’Chatelanat’
  • 1735 ’Plowden
  • 1733 ’Hämmerle’
  • 1737 ’Yousopoff’
  • 1737 ’Bohrer/ Grüterich’
  • 1729 ’Beriot
  • 1730 ’Marchesa Guasco’
  • 1733 ’Prince Doria
  • 1732 debated (possibly the ‘Plotenyi’)
  • 1742 ’Paderewski / Wendling
  • 1729 unnamed 
  • 1732 ’Baron d’Erlanger’
  • 1741 ’Carrodus
  • 1741 ’Wilmotte / Desöer / Werwick’

Garrett has been a self-proclaimed ‘fanatic’ of the violins of Guarneri ‘del Gesù’, as well as other master luthiers, since he was eight years old. He listened to recordings of violin greats such as Menuhin, Szeryng, Grumiaux and Stern, becoming accustomed to the ’grittiness’ of the ‘del Gesù’ sound. during the Covid-19 pandemic he created a website with the aim of presenting a full chronological archive of the works of ‘del Gesù’. Invitations to the ‘Del Gesù’ Club are extended to anyone who plays or owns a Guarneri ‘del Gesù’: ’Congratulations - you are already a member.’

During the event, experts shared their insights on the ‘del Gesù’ violins. Luthier and dealer Wolfgang Hamberger made the case that the ‘Baltic’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’, commonly thought to have been made in 1731, was actually made later, in 1734, owing to dendrochronological results that match the ‘Diablo’ ‘del Gesù’ of the same year.

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Wolfgang Hamberger

Florian Leonhard gave a talk about the lesser-known early period of ‘del Gesù’, and included images from his upcoming book on the subject.

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All photos Georg Bongartz

The event provides ample opportunity for club members not only to enthuse about the instruments, but also to enjoy performances and socialise.

Watch this video by Cristian Fatu that gives a glimpse into the event:


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The Canada Council of the Arts’ Musical Instrument Bank is 40 years old in 2025. This year’s calendar celebrates some its treasures, including four instruments by Antonio Stradivari and priceless works by Montagnana, Gagliano, Pressenda and David Tecchler.