100 years of cellist Christopher Bunting: ‘The truth of one’s nature has the last word’

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British cellist Christopher Bunting brought an unwavering authenticity to his art as a performer, and as a renowned pedagogue he had the drive and generosity to help others achieve the same in their own playing. On the centenary of his birth, his daughter, violinist and teacher Philippa Bunting, considers his ...

One hundred years ago, on 8 August 1924, the cellist Christopher Evelyn Bunting was born into a family of gifted amateur musicians in London. Almost 81 years later, in a packed Hampstead parish church on a sweltering August day, the priest officiating at his funeral quoted an extract from an interview Bunting had had with Margaret Campbell. It both captures Bunting’s essential voice and perfectly sums up the life’s work that stretched between those two points…

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