The famed Russian cellist and teacher was a student of Mstislav Rostropovich


(left) Tanya Remenikova (right) Tanya Remenikova with students

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Russian cellist Tanya Remenikova has announced her retirement from the role of professor of cello at the University of Minnesota School of Music in Minneapolis, US. Remenikova had taught at the school for 48 years. She has also been given the title of professor emerita by the university for her career accomplishments.

In a statement to the School of Music and her students, Remenikova said: ’I’ll keep practising cello, and of course, you, as all my past students, should feel free to come for advice, should you need it. I plan to stay in Minnesota, enjoy life and just take it easy.’

About the announcement Patrick Warfield, director of the School of Music, said: ’Her nearly half a century on the faculty has seen Professor Remenikova launch the careers of cellists and artist-citizens, who now play in the world’s top orchestras and serve as educators in their own right. Here in the School of Music, we could not be more proud of her legacy and know that she will remain an important part of our musical community for years to come.’

In her retirement annoucement to the university, Remenikova said: ’Our school gave me an opportunity to fulfill my calling as a teacher and to pass on to several generations of you the magic things that I’ve learned from my teachers, the great Valentin Berlinsky and Mstislav Rostropovich, about our instrument and the timeless art of music. It’s been a long and wonderful trip, full of events and adventures. I have met great musicians with whom I played together, traveled together and learned from. I was blessed with this wonderful life, and I feel that now is the right time to take a rest.’

Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Remenikova began her studies at music school at the age of eight. She studied with Borodin Quartet cellist Valentin Berlinsky, and went on to become a student of Mstislav Rostropovich at the Moscow Conservatory of Music. As a soloist she has performed with orchestras such as the Israel Philharmonic, Jerusalem Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, and Orchestre Nationale de Belgique, among others, as well as performing recitals across the world. As a chamber musician, she performed regularly with the Saint Paul-based Hill House Chamber Players, and appeared at the Barge Chamber Music Series in New York and with the Karlsruhe Trio in Germany. 

In 2007, in recognition of her work as an educator, Remenikova received the Master Teacher Studio Award from the Minnesota Chapter of the American String Teachers Association. She was also a chamber music coach at the University of Minnesota School of Music, and gave masterclasses across Europe,  Asia and the US. 

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