Young musicians aged 15 to 18 across the UK are invited to apply for the programme, which will give an insight into music career paths via mentoring, networking and workshop sessions

Bristol Benedetti Sessions 2023_credit Soul Media

Young cellists at the Bristol Benedetti Sessions in 2023 © Soul Media

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The Benedetti Foundation is launching a new free Youth Ambassador Programme for 15 to 18-year-olds across the UK. The programme is open to singers and instrumentalists and is aimed at anyone of this age who is passionate about music and sharing it with a wide audience, offering an insight on the various careers in music.

The Youth Ambassador Programme will run every autumn and spring term, and the first course takes place from Monday 9 September to Friday 13 December 2024, offering a range of activities to help participants explore a future in music.

The programme will offer the opportunity for participants to explore different careers in the arts and see what it’s like to work in the music industry from various angles, the chance to learn to teach and develop a personal teaching style, as well as foster creativity in performance expression.

Additionally, participants will focus on wellbeing, understanding how to balance mental and physical health with musical workload, attend workshops and sessions with leading professionals both online and in-person, as well as meet other young, passionate musicians to gain experience and make connections.

The Benedetti Foundation Youth Ambassador Programme is generously sponsored by the Signatur Programme and the Linder Foundation. To apply, participants are invited to share a short video introducing themselves, their favourite things about music, an inspirational musician and what they hope to gain from the Youth Ambassador Programme. They will also need to submit a short performance video.

The application form can be found here. More information about the Young Ambassador Programme can be viewed here. Applications close on Sunday 29 July.

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