
A look back at The Strad’s most-read focus articles and blog posts this year reveals a wide range of interests, from hardy perennial questions on subjects like injury avoidance, how often to change your strings and whether success in music competitions matters, to intriguing and revealing posts like how to produce a beautiful tone, and the secret history of the world's oldest cello (see picture).

Here are the 13 posts that have done the best across the year, in chronological order:

What pupils ought not to do, from The Strad, November 1890

10 things you need to know about the string world

Why injury prevention is so important

How often should you change your strings?

Is popping pills the sure way to beat performance nerves? 

The advantages of modern instruments

Aaron Rosand on how to produce a beautiful tone 

Does success in music competitions really matter?

Strauss's Don Juan viola part isn't supposed to sound like this, is it?

The secret history of the world's oldest cello

Secret commissions: the dark side of teaching

The wisdom of Bruno Giuranna

How to practise at home without annoying your neighbours


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