All Stradivari, Antonio articles
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In Focus: the 1696 Stradivari ‘Archinto’ viola
John Dilworth praises the archetypal beauty of Stradivari’s ‘Archinto’ viola, a magical example of form and aesthetic
Which violin is more expensive? TwoSet Violin blind test fine instruments
Brett and Eddy delve into an enlightening, confusing and sometimes deceptive session of comparing fine and elite violins from the Rin Collection
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Stradivari varnish: Scarlet fever
How did Antonio Stradivari achieve the special deep red varnish colour that makes his later instruments so attractive? Joe Robson believes he has discovered both the composition and method for making it – and cracked one of the most enduring mysteries of the master maker. From the September 2018 issue
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A fresh look at Sacconi’s varnish research
Simone Sacconi’s ideas about Stradivari’s varnish relied as much on hypothesis as hard evidence, and led to recipes that were largely impractical. But as Koen Padding explains in this feature from July 2011, Sacconi’s concept stacks up well against the latest scientific analysis
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Stradivari’s varnish: a chemical analysis
Jean-PhilIppe Echard and Balthazar Soulier reveal the results of their seven-year research into Stradivari’s varnish, using five of the master’s instruments from Paris’s Musée de la Musique. From April 2010
Goldmund Quartet picks up €60k award – plus a full set of Strads
German group is new recipient of Paganini quartet from Nippon Foundation and award from Jürgen Ponto Foundation
In focus: the 1728 'Milanollo' Stradivari
Roger Hargrave examines the Stradivari ‘Milanollo’ violin of 1728, one of the few of the master’s instruments to keep its original sharpness