Following Théotime Voisin’s guest article on the new bespoke work for double bass and piano, check out the full performance of Spicy Odyssey - a work that aims to take listeners on an exciting and epic musical journey.

The work is divided into seven sections:

- Chapter 1: Orbit and Discovery

- Chapter 2: The Peace of the Dream

- Chapter 3: The Sound of the Mind

- Chapter 4: Land of Subconscience

- Chapter 5: Scenery

- Chapter 6: Red Night

- Chapter 7: The Wobble of the World

’We became characters in this musical adventure; notes don’t even exist anymore, they become words, atmospheres, moods and noises,’ says Voisin. ’You completely forget that you are playing an instrument as you become instantly part of the story.’

Do you have a favourite ‘spicy’ piece for double bass and piano? Let us know in the comments below!

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The Strad’s Masterclass series brings together the finest string players with some of the greatest string works ever written. Always one of our most popular sections, Masterclass has been an invaluable aid to aspiring soloists, chamber musicians and string teachers since the 1990s.


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